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My Recent Shenanigans [Actually Good Content]


This is a heavy fluff post. I’m just gonna talk about some of the things I’ve been up to recently. Most peeps are out of the country or in different cities so I’ve been chilling at home, working on stuff and listening to music.


My friend and I were trying to see if we could find each other’s names on google. I randomly found this guy who did a playthrough of my game!

I couldn’t believe how happy I was just seeing him smile. Dat warm fuzzy feeling. 😌


Meme: Zoomer vs Boomer

Ah yes, the usual list of recent bangers.

Hardtekk == πŸ˜ŒπŸ’—

I unironically used a double ‘=’ sign. Wow. I’m not even gonna edit it out.

It’s originally a german rap song. I have no idea what they’re saying, but it’s so catchy.

Last drop is πŸ€™

Emo angle


Sometimes I can’t feel movement
But we moving
What’s the scale of, your improvement?
What’s the tale of, your success tho? 
Is it hard work, was it dress code?

Festival Experience

I went to the Little Forest Festival about maybe a month ago. It was a pretty cool experience. We had a group of about 6 people and I only knew 1 of them. So that made me feel a bit reserved. If I was comfortable in the group and the environment I think I would’ve had a better time and definitely better trips if u know what I’m saying. It was still awesome though.

Bruh sometimes I just wouldn’t know the time or the day. It was just a blur of music and people. The music never stopped for 3 days. I was just vibing the whole time.

Re-doing my Personal Website

So yeah. I am shit at webdev at the moment. I haven’t really done any proper web development work and it’s all very new to me.

We don’t really do any web dev stuff in my University. Not serious dev work. Theres only like figma users in the digital design department or something.

To me whats confusing is that there’s so many tools and frameworks and just like stuff to know.

What is a SPA? Client-Side? SSR? SSG? Routing? Hydration? Webpack? Dafuq is going on??? πŸ˜„

So a while back I decided I was gonna learn how to use Vue. So I did sorta and then I rage quit because of responsive design and css. And thats not even vue specific.

And then I decided to come back to it in the holidays.

Like, working with anything web dev related always feels like playdough snakes to me. It feels finniky and I don’t like it. It always feels like there’s so much abstraction and I’m just not sure what’s going on. I’m not sure if I’m just being dumb or if I’m just not used to it.

But alas, the website is up and running for everyone’s viewing pleasure.

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